Timmy Xiao

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Rust Polymorphism


This is my first post. This was from handwritten notes that I took 2 years ago. I was inspired to actually put stuff online from someone's similar post about static and dynamic dispatch in Rust with detailed binary inspection. I wish I can find it again so I can give credit :(.

What is Polymorphism?

Polymorphism allows us to provide a group of functions for multiple concrete types, allowing shared behavior. In most languages, we can use interfaces to implement this behavior. In Rust, we can use traits. Most examples that I see about polymorphism are with animals, so let's try it here.

trait Animal {
    fn make_noise();

struct Cat;
impl Animal for Cat {
    fn make_noise(&self) {

struct Dog;
impl Animal for Dog {
    fn make_noise(&self) {

Using Trait Bounds

In Rust, we can use trait bounds to make a generic function be any type that has the behavior we specified. This allows us to have a function that takes any struct that implements the Animal trait and call the shared behavior of the trait Animal: make_noise.

fn pls_make_noise(a: impl Animal) {

fn main() {

Using Trait Objects

However, this would not work if we want to take in a vector of different types that implement the same trait. A Vec<impl Animal> only allows only one type that implements the Animal trait, so we can't have both Cat and Dog in that vector. This is because trait bounds are checked during compile time, so the types must match. To resolve this, we need to have a vector of trait objects. A trait object is a pointer that points to the type that implements our trait and a table to lookup the trait methods during runtime, using dynamic dispatch. A way to create one is to make a reference & with the dyn keyword after (technically optional but new versions of the compiler will warn you). Let's now make a vector of trait objects and a function that takes this vector and calls the shared trait method for each of the objects.

fn pls_all_make_noise(animals: Vec<&dyn Animal>) {
  for a in animals {

fn main() {
  let animals: Vec<&dyn Animal> = vec![&Dog{}, &Cat{}];

If you wanted the trait objects to be owned rather than being references, you can use Box.

But Wait! Consider Enums First

In Rust, enums are allowed to have data along with them, meaning we can create a Animal enum to hold our Dog and Cat structs (although we didn't hold data for our structs in our Traits example). We also can hold a Vec<Animal> without needing to use dynamic dispatch. I believe how it works under the hood is something that is similar to tagged unions which only needs compile time checks. To achieve polymorphism, we can implement a function on the enum with a match expression to have a single place for our shared behavior.

enum Animal {
  Cat { name: &'static str },
  Dog { name: &'static str },

impl Animal {
  fn make_noise(&self) {
    match self {
      Animal::Cat { name } =>
        println!("{} says meow", name),
      Animal::Dog { name } =>
        println!("{} says woof", name),

fn pls_all_make_noise(animals: Vec<Animal>) {
  for a in animals {

fn main() {
  // I am not good with names
  let dog = Animal::Dog { name: "Dog" };
  let cat = Animal::Cat { name: "Cat" };
  let animals = vec![dog, cat];

Therefore, if you know the number of variants that have shared behavior, you should probably use an enum. Otherwise, you would have to use trait objects; the most common case of this happening is exposing a library where people can add their own types to have your shared behavior.